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Our industry-leading preconstruction and project management processes are an integral part of creating Clients for Life. Careful planning is the foundation upon which all successful projects are built. Pelcon’s unsurpassed preconstruction experience enables us to see the “big picture” and ensure that our plans are designed to attain our clients’ objectives. Working with our partners from a project’s earliest stages, promises a seamless transition from the design phase, to the project site, results in fewer construction-phase changes and schedule impacts, and yields cost savings; it also provides a certainty that the finished product we deliver matches our client’s vision. We are best known for successfully managing long-term, complicated, and multi-phased projects. Part of that success comes from being good at what we do. The other part comes from our ability to break down complicated projects into manageable pieces that seem simple. Possible. Doable. We combine a collaborative approach with today’s technology to make accurate cost estimates and create detailed schedule projections. By engaging clients, subcontractors, and other craftspeople during the preconstruction process, we can make thoughtful, value-based decisions that benefit our clients. Our client-focused tools help clients feel comfortable and confident in the decisions made for their project.

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